Grades : Grade 06,
Grade 07,
Grade 08,
Activity Type :Onsite Visits Duration : 75 minutes Subject :History,
Course Code(s) : Min / Max : 15 / 35 students + adults Price :
Tax Included : $0 , 1 adult free per 2 students
Free admission for Ontario schools. Advance booking is required.
February 4, 2025 to June 27, 2025 - only dates in the last week of June are available.
In collaboration with our educational advisors and partners, the learning experience related to Auschwitz. Not Long Ago. Not Far Away. has been redesigned to link more closely to the elementary curriculum. This new program will draw from the objects and narratives presented in the exhibition and explore Jewish life pre and post WWll, including Jewish immigration to Canada and the impact of the Holocaust on Jewish communities in Canada. The program will be led by expert educators and involve interaction with real objects from ROM’s extensive collection but will not include a tour of the exhibition.
45 minute theatre presentation led by Museum Educators
Staggered 30-minute hands-on touch tables conducted by Museum Educators
Self-guided general admission
Curriculum Links
Grade 6
Social Studies Heritage and Identity
Booking Information
President's Choice School Entrance hours
Tuesdays to Fridays – 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Bookings are for Ontario-based groups only. Groups may include schools or educational groups with children/youth aged 11 to 18.
NEW! In keeping with standard practices at major attractions, ROM has implemented metal detectors and mandatory bag checks at all entrances to the Museum. To ensure quick entry, we recommend that visitors bring a minimum of belongings for their visit. More information on prohibited items can be found here.
Review the ROM’s Visitor Guide for the latest gallery information and closures
All groups of children and youth must be accompanied by their teachers/adult chaperones at all times.
$0 /person
Tax Included : $0
1 adult free per 2 students
Activity Type :Onsite Visits Duration : 75 minutes Subject :History,
Course Code(s) : Min / Max : 15 / 35 students + adults
Visit Date :
The timeline below shows tentative availability by time for ""